środa, 9 lutego 2011

sipping coffee from the same cup as you

Przed chwilą znowu nadciągnęłam sobie mięsień. Co lepsze, tydzień temu uszkodziłam go na tyle, że zwykły spacer potrafił sprawić mi ból, nie mówiąc o zasznurowaniu butów.

Nie mam czasu na nic, nic nie robię, a tak dużo powinnam już mieć zrobione. W dodatku zabieram się za Pottera 7 od M., jeah (tak, to absolutnie konieczne, przecież ja już nie pamiętam o co tam chodziło!)
Angielski skończyłam, zawsze jakiś plus.

 A to sesyjne z Martą (z którą, jutro również się widzę):


 o, to to! takie szatańskie!


Missing the train every morning at 8:52,
Sipping coffee from the same cup as you.
The sharing of secrets we thought no one else knew,
That's what I miss about you.

The new way that love had made me see,
Your bashful grin when you asked if I would like your key.
The knowing way you used to caress me,
That's what I miss about you.

You stole in with your starry smile exciting me,
Driving with you in your new car, feeling free.
If it's true that love is blind, then I was blind willingly,
You made me feel we had a future, that could be and would be.

The way you said I'd be no one on my own,
Your habit of soaking yourself in over-priced cologne.
The way you turned the light out when I knew you were home,
That's what I don't miss about you.

I bet you're using your weary magic like it's new,
Driving so fast with a new fool beside you.
Presumably believing she's the last of the lucky few,
I wonder if she knows she's being lied to like I do.

The way I only doubted myself when I was with you,
Like I was a fool for expecting something from life too.
Your skill of putting me down in-front of everyone we knew,
That's what I don't miss about you

mhrau; słucham ostatnio całymi dniami 

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