niedziela, 27 lutego 2011

you were automatic and as hollow as the "o" in god

po dziesięciokroć- cholercia!
pozostały dwa miechy, a ja zadania z polskiego na jutro nie mam zrobionego, nie potrafię wypisać rozszerzonych kropek i porównać w jaki sposób i za pomocą jakich środków zostały przedstawione dwa obrazy prowincji

bollocks bollocks bollocks!

nawet nie mam kiedy obrabiać fot, cholerna szkoła, no! cholerni nieprzygotowujący do matury nauczyciele*! szlag by wszystkich trafił! 

*są wyjątki 

 65 , w rzeczy samej.

takie pierdu pierdu co obrobiłam.

We were neurophobic and perfect
The day that we lost our souls
Maybe we weren't so human
If we cry we will rust
And I was a hand grenade
That never stopped exploding
You were automatic and
As hollow as the "o" in god
I am never gonna be the one for you
I am never gonna save the world from you
They'll never be good to you
Bad to you
They'll never be anything
Anything at all
You were my mechanical bride
A manniqueen of depression
With the face of a dead star
And I was a hand grenade
That never stopped exploding
You were automatic and
As hollow as the "o" in god
I am never gonna be the one for you
I am never gonna save the world from you
They'll never be good to you
Bad to you
They'll never be anything
Anything at all

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